Complete Usui Reiki Certification Training 
At The Comfort Of Your Home 
Learn To Heal Yourself, Others, and Animals Through the Power Of Reiki
You'll Have EVERYTHING You Need to Study, Practice, and Master
Reiki Personally and Professionally…
"My spiritual awakening  and healing began with Reiki,  which has opened the floodgates to 
so many of my spirituals gifts that I didn't even know I had.... Reiki can help you heal  on every level of your being and elevate your energy and your life to live a spirit-inspired life." 
Yoshie Miakoda Chihara
Usui Reiki Master Teacher 
Certified Spiritual Medium 
Reiki - The Healing Power That Awakens Your Spiritual Gifts
Reiki is best described as  energy, and the practice of Reiki as the art of healing is done through our own natural, divinely given energy resources. We heal ourselves using what’s already within us. This energy may be compared to the Ki energy of Japan or Chi of China, the Prana of Asian origins as well as the spirit of the Holy Ghost in Christian or Western religions. The word itself, “Reiki,” is Japanese in origin and is a dual-part term coming from Japanese words “Rei” which means “universal,” and the word “Ki (mentioned earlier)” which means “energy.” This literally translates into “universal energy,”

Many Benefits of Reiki 
Reiki helps with stress reduction, relaxation, gaining clarity, recharging your energy battery, relieving pain, accelerating  healing of wounds, clearing up chronic problems, removing energy blockage, detoxifying  your body, releasing emotional wounds, calming your mind and body , improving overall health, awakening your spiritual gifts, raising the vibrational frequency of your being.  

Reiki Master Teacher & 
Animal Reiki Master Teacher Certification Program
The Third Degree Reiki, Usui Reiki Master Teacher Program is perfect for you if you want to master and teach Reiki to others and start a career of being of service to others. 

Not only will you gain a solid understanding of Reiki, Reiki Master Symbols,  but  you'll also learn the hows of the Usui system of attunements which will enable you to pass on Reiki attunements to your students and others with absolute confidence. 

This program is perfect for you if you are called to make a difference not only in your life but also that of others. Reiki can truly open up a sacred inner door that will help you reach your full potential.  
Usui Reiki Practitioner & Animal Reiki Practitioner
 Certification Training 
The First Degree,  Reiki Level 1 Program is perfect for you if you are completely new to Reiki and want to learn how to tap into the Reiki energy and use it to not only improve the quality of your life but also begin the beautiful journey of being of service to others. 

You'll learn easy-to-understand, step-by-step methods to use Reiki for self treatments and the treatments of others. This can be a powerful starting point to unravel the spiritual gift that is within you. 
Advanced Reiki Practitioner Certification Training 
The Second Degree, Reiki Level 2 Program is the next step a person takes after completing Reiki 1 on their path to becoming a Reiki Master. 

You will learn advanced techniques that will enable you to send Reiki energy at a distance; and for developing the mental, spiritual, and emotional healing processes of individuals.

If you are eager to delve deeper into Reiki and be amazed by what it can do to improve your relationship with yourself and others; enhance your mental, emotional, physical well-being; improve your business; help others in your community, this program is perfect for you. 
What Is Included In The Reiki Healing Home Study Certification Programs?
The Lessons are Delivered in 3 Different Formats: PDF, MP3, MP4.
They can be Dowloaded, Viewed, and Listened to Using Your iPhone, Smart Phone, iPad, Tablet, Kindle, Laptop, and 
Personal Computer. You can Listen to or Watch Them During Your Work Break, in between Chores, or Even While You are Exercising!
Course Curriculum
Lesson 1: Universal Life Force
Lesson  2: What is Reiki?
Lesson3: How Reiki Works
Lesson4: The History of Reiki
Lesson5: The Five Reiki Principles
Lesson6: Preparing For The First Degree
Lesson7: Anatomic Illustrations
Lesson8: Self Treatment
Lesson9: Preparing To Treat Others
Lesson 10: Treating Other
Lesson 11: Rapid Reiki Treatment
Lesson 12: Ultradian Rhythm Technique
Lesson 13: Group Treatment
Lesson 14: Pregnancy, Babies and Children
Lesson 15: Reiki Brings Comfort To Dying
Lesson 16: Use your Imagination
Lesson 17: Final Thoughts
Appendix I: Reiki Associations
Appendix II: Reiki Insurance
What is Included:
1. Reiki Practitioner Training Manual (PDF)
2. Video Lessons (MP4) 
3. Audio Lessons (MP3)
4. Reiki Practitioner Certificate 
5. Animal Reiki Practitioner Certificate 
6. Usui Lineage Certification 
7. Ongoing Email Support from Master Reiki Teachers 

2 x Reiki Music
2 x Meditation Music 
1 x Reiki Poster 
Course Curriculum

Lesson 1: Introduction to the 2nd Degree
Lesson 2: Gassho The 1st Pillar of Reiki
Lesson  3: Reiji-Ho The 2nd Pillar of Reiki
Lesson 4: Chiryo The 3rd Pillar of Reiki
Lesson 5: Namaste
Lesson 6: New Possibilities with Reiki 2
Lesson 7: The Sacred Reiki Symbols
Lesson 8: 1st Sacred Symbol – CKR
Lesson 9: 2nd Sacred Symbol – SH
Lesson  10: 3rd Sacred Symbol – HSZSN
Lesson  11: Distant or Absent Reiki Healing
Lesson  12: Distant Reiki Healing Technique
Lesson  13: Sending Distant Reiki Healing
Lesson  14: Working With Reiki 2
Lesson  15: Non Traditional Reiki Symbols
Lesson  16: Extra Reiki Hand Positions
Lesson  17: Combining Reiki
Lesson  18: Animal Reiki Techniques
What is Included:
1. Reiki Practitioner Training Manual (PDF)
2. Video Lessons (MP4) 
3. Audio Lessons (MP3)
4. Advanced Reiki Practitioner Certificate 
5. Advanced Animal Reiki Practitioner Certificate 
6. Usui Lineage Certification 
7. Ongoing Email Support from Master Reiki Teachers 

2 x Reiki Music
2 x Meditation Music 
1 x Reiki Poster 

Course Curriculum

Lesson 1: Introduction to the 3rd Degree
Lesson 2: Reiki and Symbolism
Lesson 3: Usui Reiki Master Symbol DKM
Lesson 4: Non Traditional DKM Symbol
Lesson 5: Reiki Attunement Ceremony
Lesson 6: Crown to Crown Attunements
Lesson 7: Preparing for the Attunements
Lesson  8: Reiki 1 Attunements
Lesson 9: Reiki 2 Attunements
Lesson 10: Reiki 3 Attunements
Lesson 11: Reiki 1, 2 & 3 Attunements
Lesson 12: Distant Reiki Attunements
Lesson 13: Advanced Reiki Techniques
What is Included:
1. Everything In The First Degree Certification Program  
2. Everything In The Second Degree Certification Program 


1. Reiki Master Teacher Training Manual (PDF)
2. Reiki III Video Lessons (MP4) 
3. Reiki III Audio Lessons (MP3)
4. Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner Certificate 
5. Animal Reiki Master Teacher Certificate 
6. Usui Lineage Certification 
7. Ongoing Email Support from Master Reiki Teachers 

Teachers' Tools 
1. Done-For-You Teaching Tools 
2. Certification Templates For Reiki I, II, II 
3. Certification Templates For Animal Reiki I, II, III 
4. Usui Lineage Template 

2 x Reiki Music
2 x Meditation Music 
1 x Reiki Poster 
3 x Surprise Bonuses
You'll Receive Your Distant Attunements to Usui Reiki by Yoshie Miakoda, Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
All distant attunements  are conducted by Yoshie Miakoda and will be done to the highest professional standards with a powerful intention to fully awaken your spiritual gifts so that you can fulfill your soul desires.
Distant attunements are just as effective and powerful as attunements received during an in person workshop. 

Distant attunements are perfect for you if you are unable to attend a workshop; unable to travel, or have a strong calling to begin the journey of healing and teaching, spreading Reiki to the world and making a difference. 
Reiki Distant Attunements
You'll also receive ongoing support via email. 
If you are not sure about anything to do with Reiki Healing Training Programs, we'll be happy to support you. We are just an email away.  

Work-At-Your-Own-Pace, Powerful Reiki Training Home Study Programs
Option 1
Certified Reiki Practitioner & Animal Reiki Practitioner Program 
The Program Contains Reiki Level 1 Training Program and Bonuses Only
Option 2
Certified Advanced Reiki Practitioner & Advanced Animal Reiki Practitioner Program 
The Program Contains Reiki Level 2 Training Program and Bonuses Only
Option 3
Reiki Level 1 & Reiki Level 2 Training Programs  
The Option Has Both Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 Training Programs 
Option 4
Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher  & Animal Reiki Master Teacher Program 
The Program contains:
Reiki Level I Program
Reiki Level II Program
Reiki Level III Program 
Bonuses Plus Teaching Tools 
(3 Entire Programs in One)
Just $297
You will receive...  
( with Option 4)
Take Action Now and Become a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Let Your Life Evolve to The Next Level of Spiritual Expansion for Just
$297 USD
FAQ: Don't I have to be in person to be attuned to Reiki? 
No. Reiki is a universal life force energy that is available to all of us and it’s all around us. 

In fact, Dr. Usui didn't invent Reiki, but he discovered the ways to harness its power for self healing and treating others through Reiki Symbols. 

 In addition, no body initiated Dr. Usui. He was self-attuned to Reiki through a long period of fasting and meditation. 

Through years of experience and working with others, distance is not at all an obstacle when it comes to working with energy. Certain individuals may want to tell you otherwise for their personal gain but again Reiki is available to all and Reiki is an energy and way to harness the life force that is already available within and to us all. Distant attunements are as powerful and effective as in person attunements. 
 All rights reserved. © Spiritual Solutions International